Readers Call Merkel Two-Faced in Fighting Climate Change | Services from Deutsche Welle | DW | 21.12.2007
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Readers Call Merkel Two-Faced in Fighting Climate Change

The European Commission released a plan to cut carbon emissions for cars sold in Europe. Readers called Merkel a hypocrite for promoting the fight against climate change while criticizing the plan.

car exhaust

Will new limits lead to smaller cars and speed limits on the autobahn?

The following comments reflect the views of DW-WORLD.DE readers. Not all reader comments have been published. DW-WORLD.DE reserves the right to edit for length and appropriateness of content.

I thought Germany signed the Kyoto "Treaty." Why wouldn't they want to accept the economic impact of their political decisions? All countries that signed the treaty need to belly up to the bar and start paying with their economic viability as they promised. -- John Smith, USA

I am amused at Germans complaining about CO2 legislation that favors its trade competitors but severely hurts the German economy. Now, maybe the German people will understand why the USA is uninterested in Kyoto? But knowing European logic as we Americans do, your standards don't apply to anyone else, right? -- Ken, USA

What towering hypocrisy from Ms Merkel. Lots of cheap talks about global warming but when it comes to the Germans losing money, well forget about it. One can only hope that this embarrassment will keep her quiet on the subject for a while. -- JL Ronish, USA

I think the European Commission's idea is very good. -- Eric, Canada

So far as I know, German cars are normally heavier to comparable ones for the sake of security and comfort. So I think the emissions should be divided by a denominator determined by the car's weight, or else such plans are really unfair to German industry! -- Qui, Germany

One solution: have a speed limit on the Autobahn off 100km. -- W. Hofmann, Canada

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  • Date 21.12.2007
  • Author Compiled by DW staff (ot)
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  • Date 21.12.2007
  • Author Compiled by DW staff (ot)
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