Readers Blast Swiss Gun Law Proposal | Services from Deutsche Welle | DW | 01.08.2007
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Readers Blast Swiss Gun Law Proposal

A proposal to restrict the ownership of firearms in Switzerland received an adamant response from, mainly American, readers. Here's what they had to say.

What is the relationship between gun control and crime?

What is the relationship between gun control and crime?

The following comments reflect the views of DW-WORLD.DE readers. Not all reader comments have necessarily been published. DW-WORLD.DE reserves the right to edit for length and appropriateness of content.

I believe in the right to self-defense, be it through firearms or others means. Citizens have a right to protect the lives of others and themselves. Why disarm the model citizen and leave them defenseless to those who seek to injure, steal, and murder? A firearm is just a tool to achieving an action, just like any other tool. It is the person behind the gun we have to worry about. -- Josh, US

You don't need gun control, you need people control. -- Erthel Twing, US

The author neglects one primary -- yet taboo -- influence related to the relatively high suicide/domestic violence rates in not just the US and Switzerland, but also among other highly industrialized nations: Namely, cultural de-Christianization and the resulting/inherent nihilism of the relativist, postmodern (i.e. "progressive") worldview. Owning and maintaining a firearm involves reason and morally-informed choice -- once hallmarks of the Swiss temperament. Unfortunately, homegrown/EU leftists seem poised to accomplish what centuries of war and foreign influence could not: The disarming of Swiss citizens and the homogenization of Swiss culture. -- Dan Swiger, US

Take them all away! Confiscate all the guns. And when they start using knives what will you do then? -- Richard L. Smith, US

Symbolbild Tablettenmissbrauch Selbstmord

There are many other ways to commit suicide, readers wrote

I do not think Switzerland should start restricting ownership. If you look at the cities within the US with the strictest gun laws, you will also find the highest number of murders, armed robberies, rape, and other violent crimes. If the government of Switzerland does start restricting gun ownership, how soon will it be before they also start restricting speech? Will Switzerland be able to remain neutral in any future conflicts if the citizenry is not actively armed? For those who believe that the suicide rate would decrease if gun ownership were restricted, they obviously have no grasp of reality or the fact that suicide can be accomplished with many other methods. -- Todd Larrabee

Switzerland, along with the US, remains the last outpost of freedom. The American constitution protects the rights of citizens to own weapons. Only totalitarian countries prevent its citizens from owning weapons. -- James Carroll, US

I've heard many times that Switzerland has the lowest crime rates in the world. Also that Japan has the highest suicide in the world even though guns, even toy guns, are banned there. Don't judge your system by one or two events. That would be a grave error. The fact is the US is the only country in the free world where crime has gone down for 19 straight years. Also, legal gun ownership has increased by about 20 million a year in the US. The facts show that people use guns more often to defend themselves against criminal that use them illegally. -- Steve Lockhart, Canada

The current policy should be continued. Most of the Swiss citizens are responsible with their guns. The few malcontents and criminals always find ways to circumvent laws and carry out their violent activities. Prosecute offenders but continue to provide the effective means for your citizens to be in a position to protect your nation as well as themselves and their families. -- Warren Terrell, US

I live in Arizona and have a concealed-weapons permit, along with about 50,000 other permit holders in Arizona. We do not have any problems and since the other 40 states have concealed weapons crime has gone down. -- John McMullen, US

Schweizer Soldaten

Currently, Swiss soldiers are permitted to keep their weapons at home

It's not the rifle that's causing suicide or domestic violence. The cause is some other underlying social/physical/mental issues that are at work driving a man/woman to end his/her life. A person contemplating suicide/domestic violence will utilize his hands, a knife or a bat or a vehicle to kill his wife and then jump off a bridge or drive into a tree or maybe take a handful of pills. Don't give up your right to keep and bear arms because of a few individuals with problems. -- Frank, US

Just like it is here in the States, gun control with a goal of eventual abolition is part of a leftist agenda that frequently masquerades as a concern for safety. Be very wary of "supporting" statistics that are regurgitated by this ilk since the numbers are easily manipulated and embellished to further pitch their cause. If there are problems with domestic violence and suicide, which are social issues not in any way unique to Swiss society, then put intervention programs into place that work on a case by case basis. This is more logical than disarming its 850,000-man militia. -- M. S. Marinelli, US

Leave the gun laws as is. -- George Bennett, US

The Swiss should not even consider restricting firearms. Firearms restrictions are a main cause of the "nanny-fication" of the United States. Anyone wishing to harm another person will find the means to do so. This has been true since Cain slew Abel. Likewise, anyone wishing to commit suicide will find the means to do so. -- Earl Fudpucker, US

In order for Switzerland to maintaine a low crime rate it should continue to let its men have their weapons in their homes. Look at Washington, DC, which does not allow law abiding citizens to have guns in their homes for personal protection. The crime rate is the worst in our nation and only the criminals have guns and no regard for the laws of our land. Continue to support your soldiers and you will live in a free state. Turn in the weapons and become sheep to an aggressor. -- Tony Garcia, US

Do not take the guns from soldiers or their families. That would be a huge mistake. Crime has risen drastically in England and Scotland since taking away their right to protect themselves. I live in Tennessee and our gun rights are strong. We wouldn't live in a state with tough anti-gun laws (like New Jersey or New York). Don't let elitists decide how you should be protected. -- Lisa Balabas, US

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  • Date 01.08.2007
  • Author Compiled by DW staff (kjb)
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  • Date 01.08.2007
  • Author Compiled by DW staff (kjb)
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