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中国的繁荣图像来源: dpa

中国的繁荣让德国人纷纷跌入黑洞 ?


井盖丢了怪中国的"繁荣"? 就是黑格儿,尼采等哲学大师还活着也推不出那么有哲学味儿的话来? 警察干吗去了? 逮不住小偷说中国的葡萄儿酸。政治家干吗去了?从2000年开始,一直改革,经济一直走下坡路。中国要是不繁荣,没有和德国那么多的贸易的话,德国的经济早就是负增长了。 希望写文章的作者稍微有点休养,不要什么丑事都和中国联系在一起,心里黑暗的人,总是看着别人的短处。



什么东西都往中国身上扯,别老往中国身上泼脏水,行吗? 你怎么不说这次胡锦涛主席来德国给了你们那么一大个ICE的订单,中国本土还有那么多的德国企业。别跟我说你们是去支援中国建设的,还不是在中国大把大把挣钱。 你们这种在中国获取了利益,还一天到晚诋毁中国的行径,简直是无耻!!!


Eric He

Dear Editors, I feel very sorry that your journalists wrote such an unprofessional and biased article since there is no enough proofs to show that the missing lids from the German Highway went to the Chinese Steel Market. But after reading your writing, readers are very easy to be misguided to get this impression that all the thieves stolen the lids for selling to the Chinese Market which showed more and more demand from its basic construction on its fast economic development. So the economic development of China is the reason that more and more thieve appearing on German Highway to steal the steel lids. That is what your article say as "the black hole brought by Chinese economic development". It is well-known that many women from the eastern Europe are kidnapped into the Germany for sex slaves. If the principle you used in your article is logic, can we say the increasing sex desire of German is the reason for those misdoings. Or by using your word, the sex desire of German is the black hole for the disaster happened in eastern Europe countries. Hereby, I appeal your journalists to be more objective on news report with this example. Sincerely,


 “遍阅世界媒体,人们发现,这种现象至今只发生在中国。”“尽管以前偶然也出现过井盖被人拿掉的现象,但一般是喝多了酒的青少年找乐子捣乱,或者是破坏性盗贼,他们用这些单个重达50公斤的东西来砸附近商店的橱窗,或者砸坏什么自动售货机来取钱。”   这两段文字相互矛盾。既然有青少年找乐子捣乱,怎么至今只发生在中国?




请问编辑先生和女士,德国人偷井盖和中国有什么关系???!!! 请不要把德国人素质的下降归咎于中国,好么?当然,各个民族的思维方式是不一样的,如果德国人就是这种看起来有点弱智的思维逻辑的话,....我想也许我们找到了近年来德国一年不如一年的原因....



Dear Sir/Madam, I am deeply concerned about the contents in that article. It means roads in Germany are not safe and nobody is responsible for the deadly problem. Please confirm if it is true or not. Regards, Simon

