As world hunger rises, readers suggest ways to help feed the needy | Services from Deutsche Welle | DW | 09.11.2011
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As world hunger rises, readers suggest ways to help feed the needy

Every three seconds, someone in the world starves to death. We asked Deutsche Welle readers to suggest ways to combat world hunger. Suggestions included better education, birth control and distributing surplus food.

Students in the Democratic Republic of Congo wait in line for a meal

Existing aid programs do not seem to be enough to end hunger

The following comments reflect the views of DW-WORLD.DE readers. DW-WORLD.DE reserves the right to edit for length and appropriateness of content.

What can be done to end global hunger?

All comments taken from our Facebook wall.

Awareness should be raised in developing countries. People all over the world should avoid overeating and balance their diets. Modern technology can be used in the desert to grow food. – Provat D.

There is enough food for everybody. Someone has to step up to the plate and find a way to distribute it where it is needed. Religious leaders, this is just not acceptable. Educating and offering birth control is a part of this and has to go along with other help. – El E.

Feed your neighbor and help him get a job. – Maria M.

Create awareness about hungry children and provide better education to the poorest people, who procreate the most. Also, instead of having bigger and bigger mansions and luxury cars, world governments should learn to ration and raise awareness for future generations. We need a more global education. – Dismeris H.

Practising birth control will reduce starvation. If our population increases, we are likely to get higher rates of starvation because the resources of the earth are scarce and finite. We are acting like bacteria which grow exponentially till they use up all their nourishment and choke in their waste. Really, we are logical creatures, therefore we should practice birth control and family planning. – Charles L.

We can end global hunger if we get people to control their eating. Some people in this world die because of over-eating. Therefore, people should take just enough food for their bodies and send the rest to needy people in their country or other countries. – Ilyas W.

Hunger is a political problem

I just read the article "Hunger is a political problem," by Ute Schaeffer. I consider it to be a very good and informative article. There is so much truth in the aspects mentioned. We, the people in rich, industrialized nations, carry a lot of responsibility for hunger in poorer countries. I also like very much that you show possible solutions. – Michael W., Germany

Compiled by Shant Shahrigian

Editor: Ben Knight

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